4 Calling Birds — Blue Apple

Blue Apple uses theatre to transform lives and campaign for change.

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4 Calling Birds

Let the Blue Apple Special Assignments Company whip you up into a bird frenzy. Be dazzled by this new and exotic exhibition to celebrate the fourth day of the Woolly Hat Fair’s ‘12 Days of Christmas’. Can you find and beckon out all the magical exhibits? And will you leave with a new Christmas wish?


The Manager - Grant Powell
Managers Assistant - Lisa Fisher
Managers Assistant- Gemma Green
Birdiso Beau’s - Claire Budden and Jane Chadwick
ChaCha Lingos - Alistair Sinclaire and Jennie Grover
The Magnalas - Tom Beecham and Daniel Chopra
Gloriousa Houla Houla’s - Rebecca Davis and Benedict Tyler 
Dr Peacock - Neil Bennet  
Professor Crow - James Elsworthy

Facilitated and Directed by Kate Hadley

The Special Assignments Company were commissioned to make a brand new piece for the Woolly Hat Fair’s Twelve days of Christmas 2016. At the beginning of November, we were assigned a day and place and since then we have been working hard devising our brand new piece 4 Calling Birds. Each character has been decided and developed by the individual and we have worked as a group to unite all the elements. It has been an honour to work again in collaboration with the Hat Fair to make new work with the dedicated, talented and energetic creative team that is the Special Assignments Company.

The production took place on 8 December at Hillier’s Garden Centre, Winchester and then transferred to The Tower, Kings’ School on the 9 and 10 December.

With thanks to: Volunteers Samantha Sharpe, Cherry Lambert, Jennifer Walmsley and Craig Lockwood. Michelle Walker and all at Woolly Hat Fair, Kings’ School, Winchester, University of Winchester, TreeCreeper.