Special Assignments Company — Blue Apple

Blue Apple uses theatre to transform lives and campaign for change.

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 Special Assignments Company

A line of people on a stage, all smiling

Special Assignments Company

Unscripted theatre

Tuesday 6-8pm Special Assignments Company
at Paul Chamberlain Building Studio 2 University of Winchester

The Special Assignments Company (SAC) produces devised work for outdoor and site-specific settings. It is suited to performers who have a flair for the improvised, the surreal, and enjoy responding in the moment in changeable public settings. This group of live art performers focus on storytelling through physical expression and striking visuals rather than relying too much on speech. SAC performances can be a wonderful blend of absurd and thoughtful, of pure silliness and thought-provoking moments. Distinctly out-of-the-ordinary and visually striking, SAC are a regular feature of the Winchester Hat Fair and other high profile public events. See photos here.

Classes follow the school academic term and take place weekly. There is not usually a half term.

See here for more details.

Please email groups@blueappletheatre.com to find out more or book.

Below: Complimentary Colours outside Winchester Cathedral for Hat Fair 2023

Six people in brightly colours costume and matching umbrellas stand waving in front of Winchester Cathedral

This is a video showing Blue Apple's Special Assignments Company performing at Winchester's Hat Fair in July 2022. The video was filmed by McKenna Trapmore Productions.

Blue Apple’s Special Assignments Company performing at the Playmakers Youth Takeover, March ‘22