Complimentary Colours — Blue Apple

Blue Apple uses theatre to transform lives and campaign for change.

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Complimentary Colours

A walkabout performance from Blue Apple’s Special Assignments Company

on Saturday 10 September

at Basingstoke’s All In The Mind Festival.

Bold. Bright. Friendly. Charming.

Director's Notes I Cast and Crew  I Gallery  Feedback

Director's Notes

Director’s Notes

Blue Apple’s Special Assignments Company took a creative journey of technicoloured connection at the All in The Mind Festival. Bold, bright, friendly and charming; our colourful performers came to life as they walked through nature, looking to connect with people and the planet, handing our compliments and gifts of wild flower seeds. Each actor dressed in a different bright block colour and found someone wearing that colour to pay them a compliment relating to the colour

Walk of the Dandelion

A larger-than-life puppet named Daniel holds a dandelion; a symbol of resilience and hope, with a mission to help stimulate mindfulness and encourage a focus on resilience. Blue Apple’s performers worked with Daniel’s creators Luke Brown Dance to create the puppet dandelion seeds and 'dance' them around Daniel leading a parade.

About Blue Apple’s Special Assignments Company (SAC)

SAC produces devised work for outdoor and site-specific settings.  The performers have a flair for the improvised, the surreal, and enjoy responding in the moment in changeable public settings. This group of live art performers focus on storytelling through physical expression and striking visuals. SAC performances can be a wonderful blend of absurd and thoughtful, of pure silliness and thought provoking moments. Distinctly out-of-the-ordinary and visually striking, SAC are a regular feature of the Winchester Hat Fair and other high profile public events.

About All in the Mind Festival

All in the Mind Festival is presented by Fluid Motion Theatre Company. It comprises a day of performances including dance, theatre, music and visual arts as well as food stalls and crafts. This free contemporary arts festival is aimed at opening up the conversation around mental health. For more info about All in the Mind Festival and to sign-up for updates, visit

Rebecca Godden

Cast and Crew


Special Assignments Company
Tom Beacham
Rebecca Davies
James Elsworthy
Bartolome Meredith-Hardy
Ben Tyler

Creative Team

Director - Rebecca Godden
Costume and Props - Polly Perry
Volunteer Assistant - Sophie Green

Thank you

Complimentary Colours was a pilot project by Blue Apple’s Special Assignments Company, instigated by Fluid Motion Theatre Company.

The staff and board of Blue Apple would like to thank the families and supporters of our performers as well as the many volunteers who give their time freely and enthusiastically to support all of our groups.

Blue Apple is supported by The National Lottery Community Fund, People’s Postcode Lottery, Arts Council England, University of Winchester, University of Southampton, Perivoli Foundation, and Winchester City Council.

Photos taken by Rebecca Godden and Richard Conlon


If you attended the festival and saw our performers we’d love to hear what you thought of it. You can email feedback to us at