Boots made for walking?

These boots were made for walking.

Blue Apple’s Chair of Trustees is taking a walk!  He is doing a sponsored walk to raise funds for Blue Apple. But Ed Rochead won’t be walking alone as he’ll be joined by his trusty spaniel Sparkle and his friend Jim Squire who is fundraising for another local cause, Key Changes Music Therapy.  On 8 April Ed and Jim will be walking from The Point in Eastleigh to Theatre Royal Winchester, both significant symbols of the Arts in the area.  Their planned route takes them through the beautiful water meadows in Twyford and after a very wet practice walk Ed had to replace his old boots to keep the water out!

Ed Rochead is a mathematician employed in the Scientific Civil Service. He is also Visiting Professor of Innovation Strategy at Loughborough University, a Governor of the University of Winchester and he holds fellowships in the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, the Royal Aeronautical Society and the Royal Society of the Arts.  Despite this busy life he has managed to find time to organise the fundraiser for Blue Apple because he thinks it is very important to give people with learning disabilities the same opportunities that are available to others.

Ed is walking to bring attention to the needs and talents of people with learning disabilities and to giving them the opportunity to take in performing arts at Blue Apple where performers with learning disabilities develop high quality theatre, dance, singing and film productions to be performed at public venues. To support Ed’s fundraiser and the work of Blue Apple see his Crowdfunder page here:

Crowdfunder has been chosen as they do not charge for processing Gift Aid.