Blue Apple

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Tommy Jessop Goes to Hollywood

Tommy Jessop has been right across the news this week, with good reason. First, with his brother William Tommy Jessop has made a documentary film for BBC One, and has been credited as a cinematographer.  Tommy is now pitching his own movie to a Hollywood producer!

Watch Tommy Jessop Goes to Hollywood on BBC One 9pm on Monday 21 August.

Old friends of Blue Apple will know Will - he worked with Blue Apple many times, adapting and introducing Hamlet, the Government Inspector, Midsummer Night's Dream, making Freddie's Story, Paul's Story and helping with funding applications.

It is ten years since Tommy and Will made the Emmy-nominated BBC documentary Growing Up Downs, about Blue Apple's Hamlet tour.

Tommy was interviewed on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme this morning speaking from a BBC Radio van in Winchester!

Listen back to the radio interview by visiting this link and scroll to 02:23:00