Blue Apple

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Blue Apple Summer School 2023

At MAST Mayflower Studios

14 to 18 August 2023

 Professional drama, dance and singing classes for people with a learning disability.

Have fun, make new friends and learn theatre skills this summer!

Programme details

Our 2023 Summer School theme is Heroes

Age 14-17

Monday to Thursday mornings 10am-12.30pm plus all day Friday

Sharing performance in Studio 2 from 3.30pm to 4pm. Parents and carers welcome to attend.

Age 18 +

Monday to Thursday afternoons 1.30pm-4pm plus all day Friday

Sharing performance in Studio 2 from 3.30pm to 4pm. Parents and carers welcome to attend.

Blue Apple’s Artistic Director Richard Conlon says:

“The summer school is a fun and relaxed opportunity for people to stay connected during the summer break whilst learning exciting new performing arts skills. We’ll look at creating our own piece of script, acting, singing and dance – everything you need for life on a stage.”


Participants will be charged £10 per session at a total of £60.  This is a reduced fee made possible by grants to Blue Apple Theatre.


For those unable to afford a place please ask about discount eligibility by emailing


Book at: