Blue Apple

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Blue Apple groups share together in Learning Disability Week 2023

Learning Disability Week 2023

Learning Disability Week is a week where people show what life is like if you have a learning disability.

What is a learning disability?

A learning disability is to do with the way someone's brain works. It makes it harder for someone to learn, understand or do things.

Busting myths

For a long time society has focused on how difficult life can be for people with a learning disabilities, but this year, learning disability charity Mencap want people to show the world the incredible things that people with a learning disability achieve, smashing misconceptions about what people can do and shining a light on the stigma many still face every day.

Performing in the spotlight

At Blue Apple performers learn to act, sing and dance on stage and also learn other skills to do with performing, like making music or films. But they also entertain the public with popular performances on stage where famous actors perform and some present those skills in big festivals too.

Applying performing arts skills to everyday life

Recent research commissioned by BlueApple shows that the skills learned at Blue Apple are useful in everyday life too. For example, learning to communicate effectively, to cooperate with others and to produce performances for public audiences also helps build confidence in doing the shopping or asking for help.

Developing skills to another level

Some performers are keen to develop other aspects of their skills, for example in supporting other performers or in helping run outreach workshops to show other people what sorts of skills they can learn through Blue Apple.

Access All Areas’ Transforming Leadership programme

Working with Access All Areas, a London based theatre with similar values to Blue Apple, two of our performers are taking part in a national leadership development programme, to help develop their skills, one in governance and the other in facilitation. 

A platform sharing in #LearningDisabilityWeek23

This week, performers from across Hampshire came together to share what they’ve been working on and discuss what matters to them at Blue Apple. There were informal performances from drama, dance, singing and performing arts groups, including the online company for young performers. Below is a small selection of photos and a compilation of video clips from the event.