Acting, dancing, singing and film for performers with a learning disability
in Winchester, New Forest, Southampton, Online and expanding
Singing Monday 4.30-5.30pm
Acting Stage Companies Monday 6.30-8.30pm
Dance Tuesday 4.30-5.30pm
Unscripted Theatre Special Assignments Company Tuesday 6-8pm
Performing Arts Saturday 11am-12pm (14-21 years)
New Forest area
Performing Arts Monday 11am-12.30pm/1.15-2.30pm Minstead Trust at Hanger Farm, Totton
Acting Tuesday 5.45-7.15pm Branching Out at Forest Forge Company, Ringwood
Acting Wednesday 2.30-4pm Branching Out at Forest Forge Company, Ferndown
Performing Arts Wednesday 11am-12.30pm Minstead Trust at Hanger Farm, Totton
Performing Arts Thursday 3.30-5pm Oak Lodge School, Dibden Purlieu (pupils only)
Southampton area
Performing Arts Thursday 6.30-8.30pm Chestnut Theatre Group, Redbridge
Performing Arts Friday 5-6.30pm Mayflower Blue Apple Youth Theatre, Bargate (15-21 years)
Performing Arts Saturday 10am-12pm QE2 Activity Centre, Bursledon
If there is no class in your area yet, then please fill in this short form to express your interest.
Scroll below to see more details of all groups
Timetable for this term
Stage Company - Monday
Sea Blue and Sky Blue Groups, 6.30 to 8.30 pm ACTING
Stripe Studio 1 and 2, University of Winchester SO22 4NR
The company produces a major public show every year. Our productions are often staged at Theatre Royal Winchester and are fully supported by professional, highly experienced, artistic and technical teams.
Sea Blue Drama with Artistic Director Richard Conlon.
Sky Blue Drama with Associate Director Rebecca Godden.
Hanger Farm - Monday
Mondays 11 am to 12.30 pm; 1.15 to 2.30 pm PERFORMING ARTS
These sessions continue throughout the year. Any exceptions will be notified by Hanger Farm.
Aikman Lane, Totton, Southampton SO40 8FT
Practical and fun drama sessions for learning disabled adults in the local community in a friendly, supportive environment with exciting opportunities to perform in Hanger Farm’s stunning 18th century wooden barn.
Facilitated by Charlie Teschner.
Singing - Monday
Monday, 4.30 to 5.30 pm - SINGING
The Chapel, University of Winchester SO22 4NR
Blue Apple Singers cover a broad mix of song choices and singing styles. The group perform at external events and within some stage events.
Facilitated by Nick Duncombe.
Dance - Tuesday
Tuesday, 4.30 to 5.30 pm DANCING
Simeon Room, Christ Church, Winchester, SO23 9TS
Blue Apple’s dance programme is designed to be a fun and creative means of developing fitness and self-expression.
Facilitated by Amanda Watkinson.
SAC - Tuesday
Tuesday 6 to 8 pm monthly UNSCRIPTED THEATRE
PCB Studio 2, University of Winchester SO22 4NR
The Special Assignments Company (SAC) produces devised work for outdoor and site-specific settings. It is suited to performers who have a flair for the improvised, the surreal, and enjoy responding in the moment in changeable public settings.
Facilitated by Blue Apple’s Associate Director Rebecca Godden.
Branching Out with Forest Forge - Tuesday
Tuesday 5.45 to 7.15 pm ACTING
Forest Forge Theatre, First Floor, Pintail House, Duck Island Lane, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 3AA
Explore your creativity, learn valuable skills, and develop your self-confidence while you work towards performing on stage at Forest Forge.
Read more here. For details and to register call Forest Forge Theatre on 01425 470188 or email:
Hanger Farm - Wednesday
Wednesdays 11 am to 12.30 pm PERFORMING ARTS
These sessions continue throughout the year. Any exceptions will be notified by Hanger Farm.
Aikman Lane, Totton, Southampton SO40 8FT
Practical and fun drama sessions for learning disabled adults in the local community in a friendly, supportive environment with exciting opportunities to perform in Hanger Farm’s stunning 18th century wooden barn.
Facilitated by Charlie Teschner.
Branching Out with Forest Forge - Wednesday
Wednesdays 2.30 to 4 pm ACTING
West Moors Memorial Hall, 231 Station Road, West Moors, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 0HZ.
Explore your creativity, learn valuable skills, and develop your self-confidence while you work towards performing on stage at Forest Forge.
Read more here. For details and to register call Forest Forge Theatre on 01425 470188 or email:
Oak Lodge School - Thursday
Thursdays 3.30-5 pm. PERFORMING ARTS
These follow school term dates.
Facilitated by Lily Coull.
Please note: This group is for pupils of the school only.
Chestnut Theatre Group - Thursday
Thursday 6.30 to 8.30 pm PERFORMING ARTS
All Saints Church, Sedbergh Road, Southampton SO16 9HJ
Build skills in acting, dance and singing in a weekly session and work towards putting on local shows throughout the year.
Facilitated by Lily Coull.
Mayflower Blue Apple Youth Theatre - Friday
Friday 5.00 to 6.30 pm PERFORMING ARTS
MAST Mayflower Studios, Above Bar Street, Southampton, SO14 7DU
A youth theatre group for young people aged 15-21 years old with learning disabilities. Build skills in acting, dance and singing in a weekly session and work towards putting on local shows throughout the year.
Facilitated by Bonner Cockayne.
QE2 Performing Arts Group - Saturday
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm PERFORMING ARTS
River Hamble Country Park, Pylands Lane, Hedge End, SO31 1BH
Build skills in acting, dance and singing in a weekly session and work towards putting on local shows throughout the year.
Facilitated by Gail Oakley.
To join please contact QE2 on 023 8040 4844 or email
Young Company Performing Arts - Saturday
Saturday 11 am to 12 pm PERFORMING ARTS
Online via Zoom.
Blue Apple’s Young Company Performing Arts teaches skills to young people with learning disabilities aged 14-21. The online sessions offer singing, dance and drama.
Facilitated by Emily Skeldon.
Term dates
Please note that companies have longer terms than classes.
Blue Apple Stage Companies - Sky Blue / Sea Blue
Spring Term 2025 6 January to 11 April. Half Term w/c 17 February.
Summer Term 2025. Dates to be confirmed.
Blue Apple Special Assignments Company
Spring and Summer 25 term dates will be confirmed later.
Blue Apple Classes in Singing, Dance and Performing Arts (includes QE2)
These classes have 12-week terms and a half-term break.
Spring Term 2025 06 January to 05 April (12 weeks). Half Term w/c 17 February.
Summer Term 2025. Dates to be confirmed.
Chestnut Theatre Company
Spring Term 2025 09 January to 10 April (12 weeks). Half Term w/c 17 February.
Mayflower Blue Apple Youth Theatre
Spring Term: 17 January – 28 March (Half term on February 21)
Summer Term: 2 May – 11 July (Half Term on 30 May)
Hanger Farm does not follow school terms and carries on throughout.
Click here to see all locations on a Google map
The University of Winchester is at Sparkford Road, Winchester SO22 4NR
For specific locations on campus please see Campus-Map.pdf (
The Paul Chamberlain Building is on the Campus map at 17 and The Stripe is at 25
Singing is in The Chapel at the University of Winchester. See the Campus map at 06
Dance is in the Simeon Room at Christ Church, Christchurch Road, Winchester, SO23 9SR. See map here.
QE2 Activity Centre is at River Hamble Country Park, Pylands Lane, Hedge End, SO31 1BH. See map here.
Hanger Farm Arts Centre is at Aikman Lane, Totton, Southampton SO40 8FT. See map here.
Forest Forge Theatre is at Endeavour Park, Crow Arch Lane, Ringwood, New Forest, BH24 1SF. See here.
All Saints Church is at Sedbergh Road, Southampton SO16 9HJ. See here.
MAST Mayflower Studios is at 142-144 Above Bar Street, Southampton SO14 7DU. See here.
Costs for Blue Apple
Fees cover the costs of hiring a venue hire and paying facilitators. If you cannot afford the fees please contact us to ask about our support fund.
Singing, Dance, Young Company Performing Arts,
Prices are: £88 per term which can be paid in two lots of £44.
If you also take part in Monday or Wednesday Drama or SAC then the price is £83 per term.
Chestnut Theatre Group
Prices are: £90 per term which can be paid in two lots of £45.
Mayflower Engage Youth Theatre
Mayflower Engage Youth Theatre £86 per term (£8.60 per session). Free tasters are available via website or over the phone. Payment plan available.
Stage Company Drama Sea /Sky (Mon)
Cost £26 per month, £104 per term or £312 per year. Commitment to Companies is for a year.
Special Assignments Company (Tue)
Cost £35 for the term.
Please email for questions about pricing and to make payment
QE2 Activity Centre | Hanger Farm | Forest Forge | Oak Lodge
Please contact QE2/Hanger Farm/Forest Forge/Oak Lodge/Mayflower direct about payment.